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Faroe Islands lighthouse

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It’s Phở-king Cold Here in DC!

Winter has finally made its way to northern Virginia. We woke up this morning to find that about four inches had fallen silently over night, blanketing the ground in, what our dogs would most likely call, “pure joy.”

Days like this call for something warm, comforting, and steamy. And nothing quite fits the bill like phở, a popular street food in Vietnam.

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Christmas Markets in Budapest, Hungary

The smell of a European Christmas market. The air around the markets is thick with fires, roasting meats and chestnuts, leather, cinnamon, mulled wine, and fir trees. You can almost track them down by sticking your nose up in the air and taking a big whiff.

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4 Packing Tips To Increase Your Space

Oh dreaded packing! I hate it. What about you? I can’t decide what I want to wear tomorrow much less in nine days. Not to mention varying (and freaking cold) weather where clothes are big and bulky. How can you fit it all in one suitcase? It’s easier than you think.

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Poached Eggs

Poaching eggs has always been a terrifying proposition for me. It always seemed really complicated – like maybe only real chefs could accomplish putting an egg in boiling water without breaking it up. But I’ve been on a little health kick recently and darn it if poached eggs aren’t about the most perfect food.

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