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Our Dog’s Cancer Update & Finding Birdshot

Benefit of cancer? We were finally able to get Olive a full torso x-ray to see all of the birdshot she has around her body. The count in the x-ray is 18 and we’ve felt at least 5 in her legs and ears. That’s a total count of 23 birdshot all over our sweet little dog!

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Whole30 Review {Paleo, Whole30}

It ain’t easy. Imma be honest, the first two weeks were tough, real tough. We’re talking head aches, mood swings, and out of control cravings. But then it really moves its way into habit and it really does become easier.

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Well On The Way

In August, we packed up our belongings onto a POD and headed out on our journey to Las Vegas. We took a couple of suitcases worth of clothes — and that was it. So now, two, almost three months later, we still have those same clothes.

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We’ve Moved to Las Vegas!

Earlier this year, DJ and I decided that we couldn’t brave the DC winters anymore. For me, it wasn’t as much for the cold as it was the general lack of sunlight from the middle of October through March. What can I say? I crave Vitamin D.

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