09 Dec 4 Packing Tips To Increase Your Space
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_single_image image=”15790″ alignment=”center” border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][vc_column_text]We’re heading out tomorrow to venture to Eastern Europe! My husband, DJ, and I started going to Christmas Markets last year with a trip to Germany, France, and Prague. And we’re excited to continue the – now – tradition this year by visiting Austria, Budapest, and Bratislava for nine days.
I’ve depended pretty heavily on anything that Rick Steves recommends. We like to watch his program on PBS, download his books (Vienna,Budapest), and his podcasts (Budapest, Budapest 2, Beyond Budapest, Goulash Culture, Vienna). If you haven’t watched his show before, you’re in for a treat. Not only is it filled with beautiful scenery, great travel tips, and future adventure ideas…well, you also get the benefit of watching Rick who is a one-of-a-kind character. Watch for it, he’ll always find a way to loop in a story about the Lutherans.
I can leave knowing that our fur babies (Nola and Olive) are well taken care of; we are lucky to have found the nicest guy who pet sits for us when we’re away. He sends us picture updates while we’re on the road, takes them to the dog park, and keeps up the semblances of their normal, albeit spoiled, doggie life.
Now that everything else is taken care of, it’s time to pack. Oh dreaded packing! I hate it. What about you? I can’t decide what I want to wear tomorrow much less in nine days. Not to mention varying (and freaking cold) weather where clothes are big and bulky. How can you fit it all in one suitcase? It’s easier than you think. It takes a little strategizing and finagling, but it can be done.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”32px”]
[vc_empty_space height=”32px”][vc_column_text]Tip 1: Lay Everything You Think You Will WantCold weather where clothes are big and bulky. How can you fit it all in one suitcase? It’s easier than you think.
This will help you visualize your wardrobe for your trip. Try on the outfits that you think you are going to wear, especially if they are new. You do not want to get away from your closet without another option and hate what your options are. It’s a waste of space in your luggage, and a big bummer.
Tip 2: Stick To A Color Palette
The last thing you want to do is take an extra pair of shoes because you had to have that one dress. Skip it. Keep your suitcase contents to browns or blacks (or pieces that can go with either).
Tip 3: Use The Roll Method
“What’s the roll method,” you ask. Well, the roll method changed my life. It doesn’t seem like it would, but it saves so much room and keeps you clothes virtually wrinkle free. If you have a collared shirt, button all the way to the top button (you can skip every other one, but make sure to get that one). Fold it on half vertically, then fold the sleeves in. Start rolling tight with the collar.
Use this method with pants, too. Fold in half at the waist and the roll up starting with either end.
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][vc_column_text]Tip 4: Get Some eBags Packing Cubes
You seriously want these. They simply help organize your things so that you don’t have an explosion of clothing midway through the trip. I like to put underwear, socks, and the like in a smaller bag. Shirts in another. Pants in another. When you combine the roll method and the eBags…oh my gosh. Guaranteed success! Added benefit? Let’s say your bag is overweight at the airport. How annoying — and embarrassing! Not with eBags. No one has to see your skimpy unmentionables. Take out one of your cubes, put it in your carry on (or give it to your hubby to put in his bag). Done and done.
I also have the eBags pack-it-flat toiletry kit. This little invention saves so much room in your luggage because, like the name implies, is flat.[/vc_column_text]
[vc_column_text]Hopefully these tips are helpful! Let me know what tips you have; I’m always looking to increase my capacity to carry more clothes.If your bag is overweight, no one has to see your skimpy unmentionables. With eBags, take out one of your cubes, and put it in your carry on.
I’ll be taking lots of pictures along the way. So please follow along on my Instagram!
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